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The Feasts & Christ

Writer's picture: Teshuvah Bible StudiesTeshuvah Bible Studies

It is undeniable that the Feasts of Adonai or the מוֹעֲדִים Moedim, "appointed times", were establish to be shadows of the Messiah. Moedim that were written in the start of creation as seen in Genesis 1:14. Through which אֱלֹהִים Elohim's calendar pertaining all humanity's history, as well as times He would intervene in His creation through His Spirit and His Messiah, were fixated in the sky.

Most Jews, who meticulously celebrate these rituals to this day, may not know the full significance behind them. This is mostly because hind sight is 20/20. These connections were not clear until after they were fulfilled. Similarly how we read the book of Revelation and make assumption on their fulfilment, the Jewish nation read the prophecies about the Messiah and came up with many potential interpretations.

How then can I be certain these connections even exist or if they are wishful thinking created by followers of Christ? Well, first of all, most of the connections were not made by me or any other follower of Yeshua. They were originally made by Paul, who was an astute Torah observer who studied under Gamaliel (see Acts 22:3). He was known for his meticulous knowledge of Torah and was a zealous follower of these practices. So much so that he persecuted the early believers in Christ to the point of pursuing their death. It wasn't until he encountered Yeshua Himself that Paul became an avid follower. With his knowledge of Torah he began to make the connections that most believers are able to see today.

Not enough to convince you? Then believe your own eyes. Study the Torah and see that there are too many coincidences for these connections to be true. That's the beauty of God's Word; you can seek it out for yourself. With that said, let take a brief look at some of these Feast in this week's Torah portion, אֱמוֹר "say" that span from Leviticus 21-24. It is in chapter 23 where all these appointed times are laid out for us to read and marvel at. I'll describe them as they are written and celebrated and help make the connections to Yeshua in bold:

Leviticus 23:1-3 - Shabbat שַׁבָּת - Day of rest established after creation. The seventh day or millennium of mankind's history. The day Adonai rested and sanctified as holy. (Note: all Feasts have one or two Shabbatot - plural of Shabbat). This is usually connected to the Millennial Reign of Christ on earth where we will all rest from the turmoil of sin.

Leviticus 23:4-8 - Passover פֶּסַח - Day that death will "jump" or "pass" over the homes marked by the blood of the perfect lamb slain as atonement. This is the sacrificial act of Christ on the cross of Calvary on our behalf. Those who accept the blood of the perfect Lamb of God will not taste the second death.

Unleavened Bread חג המצות - Week of purification where all leaven (sin) is removed from the house. Celebrated with the Passover feast. This is the process of sanctification through Christ after salvation done through the pure Mana from heaven; His Word.

Leviticus 23:9-14 - First Fruits חג הביכורים - Day celebrating the spring harvest where the nation's first fruits are brought in as a thanksgiving before Adonai. The resurrection of Christ as the first of many as a pleasing offering to Adonai.

Leviticus 23:15-22 - Weeks שבועות - Counting of the Omer to begin the harvesting of fall. After seven weeks and a day from Passover the harvest begins. The pouring of the Holy Spirit on all flesh as promised by the prophet Joel, better known as the day of Pentecost. (see Joel 2:28-32 and Acts 2)

Leviticus 23:23-25 - Trumpets יום תרועה - Day that marks the beginning of every month and eventually the new year. More recognized today as Rosh Hashanah, the feast of trumpets marks the beginning of most feasts and also used during the wedding ceremonies making the return of the groom known before he picks up his bride. The rapture of God's people to be taken up into the clouds and meet their Groom Yeshua before the wedding of the Lamb described in Revelation.

Leviticus 23:26-32 - Day of Atonement יום כיפור - The day that the High Priest is permitted to enter the Holy of Holies to offer an atonement sacrifice for the nation for an entire year. Today it is celebrated as the day one can Teshuvah "repent" before Adonai to receive His favor for the entire year. It is the only feast that requires fasting and mourning for our sins. The day Yeshua will judge the nations beginning with His own. The day the goats will be separated from the sheep.

Leviticus 23:33-44 - Tabernacles סוכות - The day all people humble themselves and camp outside the city. The rich and the poor will all make the same type of dwelling and celebrate together. The ones who have more will bring enough for those who do not. This is the perfect reign of Christ on earth for one thousand years. His perfect righteousness will bring a time all will share and learn the pure teachings of Adonai.

As always I encourage you to read the scriptures yourself. With the knowledge of Christ and His life you will see these connections yourself. Shalom!

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